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![]() Participating Clans : Click on name to go to clans home page or contact name to send e-mail Tournament Organizer __ _-=CT=- Crimson Tide Contact: T-Bird alt: Schoolbus
< O>
Mirror Sites Data Wave Technologies | www.dwave..net/~rerack/wwi.htm
We lost one of our mirror sites - Thanks to [GI] B for the effort!
![]() ![]() More bumps in an already rocky road. Clans BR and BoZ have left WWI. A BIIIIGGG round of applause to Quake2 for screwin BR over, and BoZ had the unfortunate problem of not enough active members. Whether replacement clans will be found, or if the tourney will continue on without them, is, as of yet, unknown. Matches are backed up as well, with only WOLF, CT, and SoD "up to date". Possibly a make-up week will be instituted. Update to rules: In addition to the allowable pause, 1 per team, per round, 1 minute max, can be "saved/declined", Substitutions ARE allowed, IF, and only if the subbing player gets permission from the other clan. This should NOT involve flooding for an answer, etc. This should be asked up to 3 times (not all at once). If no answer is given from the "speaker" for the clan at the match, then the request is declined automatically. 2 in-match substitutions are allowed.
SOMETHING! More Tomorrow....
As a matter of fact, here's the setup! Teams: AA - J.Beam + J.Daniels BR - DizzMan + Whizperz ; Earthquake + Q123we ; Quark + Apoc CT - Qtip + T-Bird ; Dracul + Vladd ; CaptDeath + USADan (lpb team -> isdn) SoD - SGT-D and Ghostrider; COL_Kurtz and Butch (lpb team -> T1 and isdn) X - Avatar + Eraser; Blackfoot + Stomper (0) - Chaos + Arius; Carbian + Storn (lpb -> isdn) For the 2v2...default teams are the hpb squads. Lpb teams are only allowed to play if other clan agrees to it. Look for a 2 vs 2 web page soon! Lastly, clan xUx will fill for the now-absent KF, taking over their 3-1 record.
Due to an unfortunate lack of active members at this time, GI must withdraw from the tournament. Hopefully we'll have this problem squared away by the time WW2 comes around, but until then, I wish you all good luck in your matches. -- [GI] Picklehead S ------------And-------------- KF withdrawls from tournament - They decided to pull out on their own accord, due internal problems. Clan -N- (Neurotica) has agreed to take GI's place, and accept a 2-2 record (GI's week 2 matches are counted as forfeits, unless N can reschedule them and play)
From The Bird Start scheduling week3! :-). Anyway...here's Candle's server list:
Our New Host Site Hosted by QuestGate wwi.lociquest.com our new mirror sites East Coast Mirror Site by [GI] B Thanks [GI] B and the original Site http:://www.dwave.net/~rerack/wwi.htm Thanks GhostDad Take your Pick!!! Whoa Mention names and the forms come rolling in - Thanks
We need ppl to remember to fill out the damned results! BTW I need RuM vs SoD, RuM vs. CT, GI vs. Wolf, NC vs. AA From ME: I couldn't agree more!! Watch for Screenshots page SOON! Thanks Blackfoot - Need some moreGreat action shots plz!
did we cancell week 2 and forget to tell me??
Our first suspension! From T-Bird Comes this - [GI]Smoke2much has admitted to the spamming incident last night (Friday - GI vs SOD),and is WWI's first official suspension. He is not permitted to come on-server in GI's next match. GET Those WEEK 2 Matches Scheduled! Using the form Need Final Results from Protest for NC vs X And wk 1 Results for SoD vs RuM and GI vs Wolf!
Sod vs Gi took about an hour to get started friday due to several People haveing Huge ping spikes - trying to find a server [SoD] Ghostdad and[GI]Smoke hitting 11000 + ! my suggestion-schedule away from Friday nights?!?! OH AND.... We ran into a major IDIOT! FLOODING/SPAMINg Messages and following us to differnt servers! Some people are just born stupid i guess- BUT- I think this guy was working on his masters degree....
Suffice it to say PLEASE BE SURE YOU FILL OUT THE MATCH FORMS - CORRECTLY! NC vs X is Tonight Wednesday 9:00 EsT GI vs Wolf - ahhh, its Wednesday Still not Scheduled?
Good Luck and happy fraggin...
to get on THIS news E-Mail rerack@dwave..net From The Bird Comes This... As the 2v2 hasn't gotten any attention yet, I'm gonna enlighten ya'll. Final date for 2v2 submission is Monday, January 5. Please tell me if you are adding/withdrawing teams. Currently, AA has 1 team, BR has 3 teams, CT has 3 teams (1 lpb team), KF has 1 team, and <0> has 2 teams (1 lpb team). Once I get final teams, I should have the schedule out by Wednesday the 7th. Webmaster Note: As I Didn't get this on the news i'm extending T's deadline to Tuesday at 10:00pm. I have no authority to do so. I hope T-Bird understands...If not - I'm in D33P Manur3!
I had a rummer of a forfeit "WWI has its first forfeit....Wolf just forfeited to Br" Sorry to hear this, any truth to it? Nothing in the mail? Need a great screen shot - who has got one?? If you have any problems uploading your demo, email crash@clan-rum.org for help. Demos link should work fine now!
in our second match of the season last evening We Are having Trouble with Demos link as of 12:06CST the server was down keep checking back
THANKS CRASH! Needs a password - check with Clan reps!
Well Im a day late - Hope everyone one had a happy New Year- I know I did - that's why im a day late Holy Gibs Batman we have had our First Completed Match Congratulations to [X] defeating KF 2 - 0 see the results page ! Get your Matches Scheduled We are in The First week !
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