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![]() Participating Clans : Click on name to go to clans home page or contact name to send e-mail Tournament Organizer __ _-=CT=- Crimson Tide Contact: T-Bird alt: Schoolbus
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<> CLICK HERE <>> Results will also be posted here in the news
xUx Shane comments: A great performance by xUx as a whole. xUx won it in 2 straight maps with many caps and lots of nice plays. X had a great game too, but the end proved that this wasn't their day. In all, a great match that ended without any trouble or complaining. The members of xUx would like to take this opportunity to thank the organizers and all other clans present in this tournament for a great season. We wish them luck in their lives and future tournaments.
xUx Shane Comments: xUx dominated on CTF8, but AA play CTF1 well. AA was ahead on CTF1 after xUx disconnected a few times, but xUx came back for the close win. The Final match is set [X] Meets xUx
xUx Defeats NC 2-0
RUM Crash comments: Rum as lagged as hell. So much so that I had to hit the key multiple times just to change weapons. We were probably moving at half the normal speed. AA on the other hand, were flying around the maps like they had a direct connection. I spent most of the first map, not in position, but just dying over and over again - usually by an AA in mid air as he jumped and fired. Wish I had had such good movement. It would have been nice just to be able to change weapons without having to hit the key 5 times. Out of the Rums playing we had one guy in Indiana, one in Fort Worth and two from Atlanta. I don't really understand why we were all lagged, yet AA wasn't. Don't really know what it is, but something ain't right about that. AA - Jim Beam comments: Good match RUM!
Close game on warzone, sorry bout the lag : (
xUx vs NC Mon Mar.2nd 9:30pm EST --- xUx-CTF1 NC-CTF2 TB-CTF2M3
A whole lot of matches to be played! Some yet to be scheduled and whole lot more to be played! I'm not a fortune teller is true but i forsee many forfeits -Thats for sure! But come Sunday - all is said and done to the playoffs we head dor some more fraggin fun! Ok - it isnt good - just hope you get the point!
Worst clans: EGH, NC, AA, TI, CBQ, and <0> Only a few behind: SoD, X, xUx, WOLF Caught up (scheduled): CT, RuM Why is this? You know...I really don't wanna be around next week when clans are trying to play 20 odd matches in 4-5 days. Have people forgotten that match scheduling ****MUST**** be submitted via the results form on the webpage?!?!!? After the CT-EGH match (which ran all but smoothly), 2 players have been banned from WWI. EGH Target and TI-Q If either of these players show up on-server during a WWI event, it is cause for their respective clan's suspension/ejection. Target was using a pingbot, and Q threatened to virus, slandered, flooded, and just about anything else conduct rules prohibit
From the discussion (23 emails in one day)(half were repeats) I gather that WWII is "In the works" ?
1) Its Ti not T1 - sorry Ti 2) Its Week 5 the break week is after week 6 Please teams get caught up, if you can b 4 that, and we won't need it!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Welcome Ti and CBQ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Remember its week 5 - so everybody get caught up! And send those forms b 4 the game is played - please! like 48 hrs b 4!!! Webmaster notes: The last 2 weeks have been just hellish with 3-4 hr update sessions every couple days - This is not the fault of anyone - it is because of all the clan changes - which have been many. I don't want compliments to sooth my savage beast, (J / K send those too) I want co-operation from everyone! Please set up matches promptly and get results to me immediately after a match - get screen shots of final score - check em and send it in!
We lost one of our mirror sites - Thanks to [GI] B for the effort! Looking for something in the news from January - its moved to archive click here
![]() ![]() More bumps in an already rocky road. Clans BR and BoZ have left WWI. A BIIIIGGG round of applause to Quake2 for screwin BR over, and BoZ had the unfortunate problem of not enough active members. Whether replacement clans will be found, or if the tourney will continue on without them, is, as of yet, unknown. Matches are backed up as well, with only WOLF, CT, and SoD "up to date". Possibly a make-up week will be instituted. Update to rules: In addition to the allowable pause, 1 per team, per round, 1 minute max, can be "saved/declined", Substitutions ARE allowed, IF, and only if the subbing player gets permission from the other clan. This should NOT involve flooding for an answer, etc. This should be asked up to 3 times (not all at once). If no answer is given from the "speaker" for the clan at the match, then the request is declined automatically. 2 in-match substitutions are allowed. !
![]() Week Link
Goes to Week table --- Scores links to results table
[X] defeating KF 2 - 0 ble KF>Scarbellie's Comments: Wow we got raped.. Hmm very poor showing by KF not only in player turn-out but in conduct. My ISP failed in the end and I hate to find out what was said after 2m1. All in all, I thought xtremes, was not as fast as they promised :/ . Dizz Man did a very good job officiating, Good luck to X . [BR] Defeats BoZ 2 - 1 From Trix R 4 Zebus... BoZ Defeats <O> 2-0 KF Defeats -=CT=- 2-0 AA Defeats <O> 2-0 NC defeats X 2-1 in the rematch of the week! GIs were dropping like flies (literally and figuratively). I even got cocky enough to let 'em "touch it." But then GIs returned from The Hell of Eternal Phone Jacks, and the Reign of the Dread Pickle began! We only got our base back when PickleHead got telefragged. MVP of the game, IMO. Second verse, same as the first...`drub-bing (<Arabic): To beat soundly, as with as stick. So congrats GIs, thx for the rematch. CT Defeats RuM 2-1 Nobody had anything to say?!? ![]()
![]() X beats <o> 2- 0 NC Defeats CT 2-0 NC Defeats SoD 2-0 X Defeats AA 2-0 AA Defeats CT 2-0 From -=CT=- T-Bird these comments: CT got first capture on ctf1...something I'm rather proud of, but the greater experience of AA then showed, and they dominated the map. Ctf2m1, CandleBoX froze up for 4 times, 1 min each, but CT still played AA very close. They were only ahead by one cap until 3 minutes left, and achieved a 3 capture lead with 14 or so seconds left. KF Defeats Wolf 1-0 From Wolf BANE these comments: Ooh, a squeaker! The first game, ctf1, was a Charlie Foxtrot, courtesy of a couple KFs. Second game was winner-take-all on T-Bird's suggestion and KF won E1M1 as blue, by 13 points according to player totals. From the stats, we were outplayed. 76% efficiency for Wakko! Well, at least he can Quake. Congrats, Scar! From T-Bird - his - comments: This really was a huge mess. Once Scarbellie disconnected, 3/5 of KF let loose with all hell, which would have earned them a suspension had WOLF not been generous enough to agree to a "One round take all" where WOLF was allowed to pick map AND color. Very close game, but a loss of quad control by WOLF towards the end of e1m1 (red base) lost them the map. Rum Defeats BoZ 2-0 Anonymous comments: Pathetic attendance by BOZ. Because of a lack of members we had to play shorthanded by one on CTF2M4 and by two on CTF2M8. A damn shame too... this coulda been a good match. ![]()
![]() AA Defeats SoD 2-0 X Defeats CT 2-0 BR forfeits to xUx EGH Forfeits to <0> FROM CARBIAN: This was a forfeit from EGH. It's a long and complicated story. I didn't want a win like this, I really didn't. But I had no choice. I have no hard feelings for EGH and I actually plan on trying to get a match with them soon. This was an unforante incident and I hope I never have to go through something like it again. Sorry EGH. Wolf forfeits to AA From Week 3 Rum Defeats CBQ 2-0 RUM did Great. CBQ had problems, because rageslayer had to go, and xscaper wanted to go to. Xscaper had some lag.
![]() WEEK4 Scoring recap <O> Defeats Sod 2-0 <O> Carbian comments: Wow. What a great game! We've doing a lot of practicing on ctf4 and it shows! We were well organized, emphasizing on D. A very stressfull game for me as I watched SOD and <0> hold the flag for LONG minutes while a member from each clan attacked and, um, died. But eventually, that stalemate ended and it was <0> offense kicking ass! Unforantely, SOD had some bad lag problems for the game but so did a few of the Brothers towards the end. As for SOD's level, Spill The Blood, we lost to BR on that level, badly(!) so we spent the last week practicing it and, YEAH!, that showed too. The SOD's put a great fight. It wasn't an easy victory at all. A lot of work involved during the match and tons of practicing before. We got sick of losing, as you can tell :) GG SOD! Sorry about the lag :( Rum Defeats <0> [X] Defeats Wolf [X] Bliss comments: GG by Wolf. Ctf1 was a dm until the last 10 minutes when our offense exploded. Our D was perfect that game. ctf2m8 was a more competitive game. Highlight: Squall[X] finished ctf2m8 with a 100% efficiency!!! Banewolf comments: Well I think X can just file us under SMOG for "Slow Moving Objects, Gibbed." Sorry about our problem child, leaving in the middle of ctf1 -- he's gone for good now. Thanks for the games, gents. CT Defeats SoD 2-0 T-Bird comments: To quote Crash: "Damn, I forgot to warn SoD about CT and that middle area!", referring to ctf4. LOL...nice to see we're improving. GG to SoD who were very good sports throughout, even when the server was strangely reset in the middle of round2 (we ended up replaying it). One of the bigger games (in player turnout) that CT has played in a good while! GG SoD! GhostDad comments: This was a great matchup - I really thought we (SoD) were gonna win this one - with a begining stalemate - I thought our Defense was gonna take the mines to CT - but alas they got threw the defense for a capture...and then more. However Ghostdad(me) was on fire (see screenshots) with some big time kills and SoD point leader for level! Second game we were even better - but couldn't hold middle and defense broke down with some bad regens and lag probs. this level had to be restarted on another server after everyone got Dc'd from the server we were on! Took 2hrs to get this match done - Match-a-marathon... WEEK5 Scoring recap xUx Defeats <0> comments: After waiting a bit for server to clear and xUx to decide who was going to play the match between (O) and xUx began. Curly got Disconnect for about 5min but we were able to hold off the onslought of (O). CTF4 was next and a closer game. After Cheezy had to leave (I forgot why) Shane dropped to make teams a even 3 v 3 and Chavez came out with some caps to top the game off. Good game (O) look forward to playing again. xUx Defeats Rum 2-1 Chavez-xUx comments: After waiting around for Chavez to arrive due to connection problems, xUx was ready to play the match with RUM. On CTF1, Pat Garret turned on the GOD MODE as was able to penetrate their defenses consistently. Curly, with some difficulties early, managed to contribute what he could. Shane and Chavez were able to hold off the onslaught of RUM. On CTF2M2, RUM triumphed over the Gunmen, by a huge margin. But the Gunmen bounced back on CTF2M1 to pull off the victory. Good job all. It was a close match. Hope to play you guys again RUM. From Week 3 Rum Defeats CBQ 2-0 RUM did Great. CBQ had problems, because rageslayer had to go, and xscaper wanted to go to. Xscaper had some lag. Rum Defeats NC 2-0 Crash comments: Rum was pleasantly surprised to win this match in two maps. Truthfully, we feared NC more than any other clan (besides xUx). We're very proud to have this win against such a good clan. NC's behavior during the match was impecable. Thanks for a great game NC. Rum Defeats NC 2-0 xUx Defeats NC 2-0 Shan xUx comments: On Forgetten Mines, with the help of incredible defense, cover, and a key flag return by Pat Garrett, xUx executed a cautious but relentless attack on NC which eventually yielded two flag captures. NC nearly had one capture themselves in the last minute but couldn't get back fast enough to cap while they were holding their defense tight. On McKinley Base, Curly held the base air tight up until the last few minutes, only allowing a few flags to leave the base all game. This allowed the rest of xUx to concentrate on clearing NC's base of defenders, which they did several times to cap. When an NC killed 3 xUx with quad late in the match they got all the runes and 2 caps in before the confusion settled down. Both clans faught hard throughout. Rum Defeats AA 2-1 Crash's comments: Started getting a little lip from AA during the 3rd map as it became evident that Rum was going to win the match. I'm sure everybody's heard that story before though :)
![]() WEEK6 Scoring recap CT Defeats EGH 2-0 From T-Bird these comments: CT did very well on ctf2m3. EGH was plagued by disconnections (3 of them I think), and their best player, Nsomething left right after, before the screenshot was taken. He had about 36 points (the other around 5). Scarbellie's demo didn't work, but a GREAT job nonetheless for detecting the pingbot, EGH Target! Thank you, Scar! CBQ Defeats CT 2-0 T-Bird comments: Ridiculously low turnout for CT. 30 mins after scheduled match start, I was sTILL only one there. CBQ was kind enough to allow me to play 3 vs 1, and Crash said "if you win, this'll be the most popular demo on the WWI page". Around 10 minutes left, I thought this would be "the most popular demo on the WWI page", as I was leading 36-2 or so, with str rune, full armor, ammo, health and all, fraggin away. I should have gone up the chute (WarZone) and camped my butt off for the last 10-15 mins, but I didn't wanna be a llama, and that's what lost it. I got cornered by a quadder (I believe...don't remember much) and died, lost everything, and CBQ just went about fairly unobstructed from there. I managed to stall em a few times, but couldn't stop the overall avalanche. Round2, Dogma showed up, fresh outta work (he was not expected to show...many thanks to him for coming), and a 3 vs 2 was played. Quad control is very important on ctf2m7, and that was the main thing that lead to our destruction. A complete lack of practice, and no quad control, let CBQ roll over us. GG CBQ, thx for the sportsmanship, and congrats on a job well done! We gave it our best ;) CT ENDS WWI 6-5 (unless we get to play xUx to replace the KF result). Rum Defeats Wolf 2-0 Crash comments: Map1 - CTF2M2, Map2 - CTF2M1 - Rum enjoyed playing Wolf. We have high regards for their sportsmanship. comments: Wolves came out and rocked RuM back on their heels with a few quick caps on ctf2m2! But steady play and ace shooting on RuM's part gave them the game. Second game we agreed Phobia could switch to Cable modem due to lousy ping. Unfortunately this was a pretty big hit, and the Wolves caved. High wolf ended up scoring a mighty 6 -- not pretty. But Rum was playing well, so the outcome of the match was not in doubt. X Defeats RuM 2-0
xUx Defeats AA xUx comments: AA is disqualified for playing Absolut with an ISDN. The Game 3 points are taken from just before AA left the game entirely after several frustrating disconnects. webamasternotes
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